
Our PodCast (isydia Kissra Talks)

Introduction :  In today's polarized world, everyone seems to have an opinion about everything. Increasingly true, one's opinion shapes how they are perceived in today's society. What's worst than not having an opinion is that people will always assume the worst and paint you in the worst light.  Due to the above mentioned, my self isydia and my partner Kissra, decided to create i sydia Kissra Talks  which we term  "PodCast"  and hosted at: Thesis : Varying subjects will be picked and discussed on the PodCast in order to give our viewpoints relating to different matters. Some PodCast will include a video while others will only contain a written article about the PodCast subject. Body : Feel free to suggest topics and resources. To do so, contact either myself isydia or my partner Kissra at our X social platforms listed below: isydia X account Kissra X account Summary : When it comes to myself isydia or my partner Kissra,

Why have tampons in men bathrooms?

Why have tampons in men bathrooms? Because Transgender men, intersex men and gender diverse people who maybe in men's spaces, who menstruate might be using it. I was initially puzzled by this myself until I realized. Trans men are born women and have or still transitioning from woman to man. Some  Trans men might not opt for the surgery (downstairs) for various reasons such as health risks or costs...etc. Some  trans men might be still waiting for their surgery while they are on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), in this case they are on Testosterone and Estrogen blockers. These trans men could still menstruate thus they will need tampons. gender diverse people tend to strategically avoid uncomfortable spaces, a reason why u don't meet them in common spaces often. But inclusive steps such as tampons in mens spaces will help everyone feel welcome and considered.

Why some people are transphobic? How is someones gender identity anyone else's business?

Why are people so transphobic? How is someones gender identity anyone else's problem? These questions are so misinterpreted, they are causing confusion to some people who are ignorant about the LGBTQ+ and who have preconceived notion about them. The simple answer is: Your gender identity is NOT my problem. I couldn’t care less. It’s your World, have fun. It only becomes a problem when you attempt to force me to adjust how I live my life, to fit into your world. That will never happen. In other words, live the life you want and do not push your ways and ideologies on others. Respect other people's way of life.  Everyone should be free to live the way they want as long as your ways does not take away from others to choose their way to live. You don't have to accept anyone way of life and just stay neutral towards them! And, whomever accept your ways is your friend and the ones who don't are entitled to theirs and you should remain neutral towards them.

Communicating with me

Introduction : I receive many messages on various social media and my responses to them vary based on many factors. I decided to write a little info here in order to demystify some misconceptions when communicating with me. Thesis : I generally chat back and forth with authentic users who are not anonymous, articulate and can curry on a civil conversation without the need to resort to insults. However, I also chat with anonymous users under certain conditions I explain below in the article.  In general, I stay away from users who resort to insults and profanities when trying to communicate their point. I consider such users degenerate and in order to communicate with them, one must stoop down to their level, which I will not do. Article : My definition of authentic users who are not anonymous is someone with verified social media blogging content they made themselves and where you can see their image with face and other information about them.  You can take me for example, if you go t

Guns and the citizens that own them - PodCast #17

Introduction : I am writing this article because many people on social media asked me about my views concerning guns, if I’m pro or against government gun control.  People in Canada and USA are passionate about the subject and generally they have a made up viewpoint about guns, leaving a very few minority who are neutral or don’t have an opinion about the subject. Every time I try to ask questions about the subject I get idiotic responses filled with insults by both sides telling me how stupid I am thinking this way or the other way. Perhaps I’m writing this article in order to avoid insults in a civilized discussion about an important subject.  Thesis : Whenever I think about whether the government should ban guns or allow law abiding citizens to own them for self defense against criminals who do not follow the rules nor care about gun control; I always ask the question: Why do people think guns are a bad thing and not the humans who are using them? Especially when criminals do not

LGBTQ+ explained in layman's terms and extremely simplified PodCast #11

Introduction : This article is written in the opinion of isydia. To see Kissra’s opinions and views, look for her articles labeled “Kissra” under PodCast #11 Life is about having experiences that align with your personal being. Embracing diversity enriches our collective experience; a world filled only with reflections of oneself would lack the vibrancy and depth that diverse perspectives bring. Life becomes more fulfilling when we engage with people who aren't carbon copies of ourselves, fostering personal growth and expanding our understanding. Therefore, I will not intentionally make someone’s life more difficult simply because their life differs from mine. Having said the above, if some individuals happen to be attracted to someone of the same sex or who identifies with a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth, I would say power to them. This article will be heavily simplified and will be mainly geared towards people who are  straight hetrosexuals  with conserv

Online Gaming PodCast - 14

Online Gaming PodCast-14 In this podcast we will be talking about the different types of games that we play, what we thought of them, the challenges, the easy portions, why we chose the particular game and lots more. One thing to note, we don’t choose games to play based on mainstream media, we choose to play games that we believe we will enjoy. Gaming to us is exploring various genres and trying them by playing numerous times until we become experts, and we understand the intricacies of the game. This is key to getting the true experience of gaming. We will detail our experience on what made us choose to become gamers and why we enjoy it. This podcast will cover a broad spectrum of games ranging from first shooter games like “The Last of Us, Half Life, Doom, Duke Nukem and more, as well as puzzle adventure games like Deponia, Monkey island series, which are the current games we are playing. The list keeps growing as we go along. In addition to the above, we will talk about the differ